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Old 05-14-2013, 08:46 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
What year/horsepower Festiva? I have a car about the same size and U-Haul can't help me. Our local Hitch-Pro quotes $550 for a hitch with the features I'd want. A lot of welders won't touch hitches for liability reasons.

Even though the reversed boat would form a boat-tail; aero trailers need a wedge shaped front to accommodate turns anyway, so I'd just lift the boat and turn it over and treat the transom as a Kamm-back. Skin the top of the frame with 1/4" ply and the bottom with 1/8" and fill the cavities with foam to get a stiff floor with least weight; and add a 1 1/2-2' wall to get some space inside.
Do you have any way to draw that design suggestion?
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