No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off harshly, just trying to make a clear point. I just want you (and others) to consider changing the valve timing in the situations where there is little, if any to be lost, some possibly gained and much to learn.
If you've already checked clearance and know there is not enough then the only way is how you describe. If you stated there wasn't enough clearance then I am in error.
A couple posts back I suggested (maybe not too clearly) to advance two teeth on the cam(s) turn the engine by hand to check for contact, then if OK, retard one tooth for a result of one tooth advance. This will ensure adequate valve/piston clearance. Naturally this is most useful on an engine that is already together and running well.
Experiment on! I look forward to reading what you and others will discover.
PS I've advanced the cam on my single cam truck 9 degrees with a very nice low speed torque improvement. One tooth on your bike will be more than 9 degrees I'm sure, but may very well be what you are after.
Good design is simple. Getting there isn't.
Last edited by beatr911; 05-14-2013 at 06:48 PM..