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Old 05-17-2013, 05:56 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Unhappy Why does my car consume fuel even when coasting (09 Accord I4 automatic)

My car, the 2009 I4 Accord Automatic, consumes fuel from 0.9L/h to 1.4L/h (seems mainly depend on tempereature) no matter if I am parked idling, or coasting at 35mph or coasting at 65mph.

Even if I am coasting, gaining speed on a down slope in gear, it will still consume whatever it consumes when idling.

The car goes to 5th gear at about 35mph, and I can tell that when it is coasting at 5th gear, the RPM stays with speed, which means the engine IS engaged. But it is still consuming fuel!

I thought modern fuel injected engine does not consume fuel when coasting.

This kinda of upsets me because I coast considerably shorter distance in gear, and I can't even rip the benefit of no fuel injected.

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