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Old 05-19-2013, 01:53 AM   #288 (permalink)
B.O. Zen
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Folsom, CA
Posts: 208

Pickup - '99 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, Regular Cab, Short Bed
90 day: 34.62 mpg (US)
Thanks: 130
Thanked 141 Times in 59 Posts
I've been working about every night this last week to get the shell ready to bring this morning. It wasn't actually bolted to the truck and ready to go until 6:30A this morning. :O I need to get better photos, but I had to epoxy on a couple parts to give me a good spot to bolt it down, and didn't get those ready to glue on until day before yesterday. Everything was set and hard this morning, so I put the shell on the truck, drilled a couple holes in the bed, finally, attached it, and hit the road.

The shell has gotten a bunch of trim work done over the last week. Also, I built the door/panel that goes on the side over the last four days:

The resin (put on at ~1AM last night) was still a bit soft this morning. :P Here's a shot before mounting to the truck this morning with it pretty much complete and in place!

At Make Faire!

I was time constrained making the trip to the Faire this morning, so I did 65mph the entire way, except in downtown SF where the limit is a bit lower. My Avg mpg for the trip down was 31.7. That's a good sign... I still need to make the tirp back, and to do some additional tests, but that looks good. Normally, I get closer to 27mpg at that speed.

I'm making a trip up north next weekend, so I'll get to do some 55-60mph travel, following semis and whatnot, and see how far up into the 30s I can go on the hwy. some time in the next couple months, once I get a bit more work done, I need to pull off the shell, bed extension to clean things up, so I'll have the opportunity to do and ABA test.
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BamZipPow (05-19-2013), ChazInMT (05-19-2013), Fallen Angel (06-08-2013), maczo (05-19-2013), MetroMPG (05-19-2013), NeilBlanchard (08-28-2013), slowmover (05-20-2013), Sven7 (05-19-2013)