Originally Posted by oil pan 4
You should move out of there before the eco nazis start shooting people on site.
Most parts of NewMexico have no vehicle inspection.
Can't move out. The roots run deep here. At 60 years old its too late to start over. And what starts in Kali will spread like ghonorrhea to the next state. My buddy says the NWO is the problem. The sheep are being fattened. This one is armor plated.. and will not get on the FEMA bus.
For readers outside the USA... "The Land of Freedom" died shortly after 9/11/01. Step out of line and get fined, jailed, taxed, or Breitbatred.
As it pertains to diesels... they are even emissions testing new vehicles. Some big trucks are being required to be retrofit with $30,000 USD catalyst and liquid urea systems before the license is renewed.