Ive wondered about that sometimes. Im sure mine has more mpg available. Reason is I get 32 mpg highway no matter if Ive got the AC on or not, windows down or not, day or night. I just joined up here recently but Ive been driving this same trip for nearly 5 years. I also took a trip to Washington DC a couple years ago and with no stops between tanks I still got 32. I dont exceed the 70 mph freeway speed limit, thats plenty fast enough, I usually go 65-70. The other 70 miles at 55 does not improve mpg. On top of that, my car is not exactly the most aerodynamic thing. Im thinking Ive got enough torque where these things dont make much of a difference and therefore I would benefit from a final drive change.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver