I'm a bit new to the P&G method, but had outstanding performance with it this past weekend on the highway. Traffic was stop and go for about 5 miles, up and down hills. Seldom got up to 20-30 mph. I can usually get 43-47 mpg on the interstate driving 70 mph, but I got 50 mpg in the rush hour traffic. I would have expected to get around 30-40 mpg in that situation.
I did not cause any issues for anybody behind me, and may have helped smooth the flow with my gradual slow downs.
I don't bother with shutting off the engine. I tried it on one hill one time, then did a bump start, which cost me 3 mph (maybe better technique could reduce that). I don't want to use the starter excessively either.
I started adding a bit of pulse and glide to my regular commute and I am seeing a difference.
I don't P&G on anything up hill. Not much on level roads either. Mostly do it when there is a slight down slope that is not enough to simply cost.
A must is a gauge to show your instant and average mpg at the same time. I like my Scangauge II, I also monitor my speed and Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) at the same time. It's easier to have everything in one place, and not have to look down at the speedometer.
P&G is proven to work very well at lower speeds, pay off drops as speed increases. The length of the pulse or of the glide will vary depending on the given conditions. I prefer to not go to extremes with it to avoid issues with other drivers. The pulse should usually be fairly strong, but I think it varies from one engine to an other. Some are going to be most efficient at near full throttle, but other cars perform really well at low rpm and light throttle.