Update May 18
Since I can't couple the motor to the transmission right now, let's see what ELSE I can do:
- put the axles into the transmission. Yep, I can do that. The left axle needed a bit of persuasion from a rubber mallet, but it's in now.
- set the transmission into the wooden mock-up of the Motor Module frame. Yes. I can do that. I set the wooden frame on the ground, put the transmission inside and adjusted the left/right position so that the Netgain Warp9 motor will fit beside it, still within the motor module frame. The transmission appears to be a bit to the right ... the right axles sticks out of the frame further than the left does. The WIKISPEED frame is 4 inches wider than the motor module, then the suspension module is bolted onto the frame. I think I understand why Joe suggested cutting the axles and then welding them together. The axles may be too wide for the WIKISPEED car?
- check the transmission gear ratios. Yes, I can do that. Not the way that I wanted to, with a tachometer .. but manually. I put some tape on the axles and on the input shaft of the transmission. I begin with the axles both having their tape on top, at the 12 o'clock position. The same is true for the transmission input drive shaft.
I turn the axles (or the output shafts) once and count the turns of the input shaft. I'm not perfect on the ratios - I round the ratios to the nearest quarter turn. These are my results:
First gear, which is Down and Front as facing the transmission 14.25:1
Second gear, which is Down and Back as facing the transmission 7.75:1
Third gear, which is Mid and Front 5.00:1
Fourth gear, which is Mid and Back 4.00:1
Fifth gear, which is Up and Front 3.00:1
Reverse, which is Up and Back, with a wiggle -13.00:1