It just occurred to me today, that I haven't spent a penny on groceries since April 1 (when I spent $2.48). I haven't spent much more than that on eating out. I may have to tally up my beer expenditures at the bars out of curiosity, but that won't be much either.
The problem I'm having is I'm gaining weight because I've gotten so good at scavenging food my cupboards and freezers are packed to overflowing- it's like having access to an all-day every-day all-u-can-eat buffet. I get to try stuff that I would never have gotten otherwise, mainly due to price, or not being aware of it. I try to share the wealth but there aren't enough takers in the circles I run with. :/
P.S. Looks like I've changed since I posted 8/10/09; I do have a route now that I hit up regularly. The downside is I haven't had an excuse to visit with all the cute grocery store check-out girls anymore.
Last edited by Frank Lee; 05-26-2013 at 05:00 PM..