Thread: The Scrapcento
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Old 05-27-2013, 03:20 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
Somewhere on this site I've seen pictures of caps that were cut so that only the ring with the hub clips remained, and a flat plate was mounted onto them.
This is why I mentioned having the balance right. I'd be afraid that such a procedure would result in the weight not being distributed well (evenly).

Originally Posted by some_other_dave View Post
Duct tape. Cheap and easy, and holds up well for a while. When it wears out or starts falling off, just put more tape on! Tape the back side if you're worried about appearance. Maybe cut some plastic filler pieces from whatever you have laying around and tape them to the back of the wheel.

I guess duct tape is the #1 option right now. I have been looking around for the cheapest / most aero caps but still haven't decided on any.

Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
How stiff are they? Will they start to bend at 80-100 km/h, or whatever you normal max speed is?
To be honest - I don't know. I assume that the mounting (a fair amount of duct tape) will provide quite a bit of flex before the spats start to bend themselves. As for how stiff exactly they are - as stiff as the top part of a Nałęczowianka 1.5l bottle

After mounting the spats I went for a test drive to see if they fall off or deform permanently - they withstood a few seconds at 120 km/h so I guess they will be OK at 80-90.

The Scrapcento thread
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