Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I don't think you should connect the outputs together. If one output is held low while another turns on (due to time delays in the turn-ons) it will be a huge current through very puny mosfets inside the driver, and those mosfets have terrible thermal properties due to the packaging (dip 8).
Hi Paul.
Thanks for the feedback.
I have already had a re-think and have gone with one 4451 as in the cougar but in a to220 package. I was worrid about outputs failing. But initially I had ten drivers wired separately and it still blew up so I was thinking of other ways. My ten drivers were tc429 which had a 6amp output.
I am now driving the 160a/80a IGBT's that have finally been shipped, thro 10ohm resistors, it works out at exactly 12amp pulsed and the extra bit of heat sink will keep it happy. (I hope).