Originally Posted by Nevyn
Your notes on the Excel sheet say your batteries are rated for 44 Ah, and you're figuring 3.2V nominal per cell.
70.4 V * 44 Ah = 3097.6 Wh (or 3.0976 kWh). At 80% DoD, that gives a usable figure of 2478 Wh. At 65%, you'd get 2013.44 Wh.
AHA! FOUND IT! H/I/J 32-34 aren't quite right.
If putting all 22 batteries in series to get 70V, you don't increase the capacity at all. You've still only got 44 Ah. Voltage * Amp-hours = Watt-hours.
Cars are between 200 and 400 Wh/mile. A motorcycle is probably around the same; Ben Nelson would probably have the best numbers.
65% DoD was 2013 Wh. At 400 Wh/mile, that's 5 miles range; 200 Wh/mile, it's 10 miles range. Not even close to your 75 miles.
I'm still working out what exactly is wrong in your sheet, but I wanted to try and get a reply up kind of quick.
Thanks for looking into it. Idk why the sheet your looking at says 44AH batteries. Mine says 100AH, but regardless I see what you mean about H/I/J. If I change I-34 to 100AH it brings me down to a puny 3.39miles and that is without changing the WH/Mile. If I change that to 400 as well I might as well just walk, heck its only .8miles away right? Wow I thought I made a little mistake, but I seem to have made a HUGE one and made this whole thing pretty pointless. Sad face
Dang, what a sad waste of time.