Originally Posted by jeff88
Like I said, I do like the idea and it did get me to wondering if I could use an Arduino based GPS shield to get the same effect and it would still be able to send the result to a display of my choosing. I don't know if this is possible, maybe Occasionally6 can chime in on that.
Using just topographical data may be possible DIY but I don't know how to do it.
This may be useful:
Originally Posted by niky
The Racelogic V-Box gives you altitude readings in diagnostic mode, accurate to a tenth of a meter or so, given a good signal and an external antenna.
But it's a squiggly little number on a diagnostic screen full of satellite tracks, GPS time, latitude and longitude coordinates and etcetera.
That Racelogic does it means it is
possible to use a GPS signal to determine velocity and elevation in real time. The supporting documentation for the Racelogic loggers says it uses the Doppler shift in the GPS signal data. I think that's beyond DIY.
That the price tag on the Racelogic stuff is $1K+, however good the quality, might be some indication of how difficult it is to do in that way.