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Old 06-02-2013, 09:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Poor man's Touareg

This is the Brazilian-made '84-'91 Gurgel Carajás, which featured a tubular frame with a fiberglass body, Volkswagen Microbus axles (including a modded transaxle) and a front-mounted Volkswagen EA-827 engine, either gasser, Diesel (with the same 1.6IDI used in the early Rabbit Diesel), or extremely rare dedicated-ethanol versions. Had only rear-wheel drive, but secondary independent brake levers for each rear wheel allowed to manually emulate the effect of a differential locker. Some owners claim 40MPG for the Diesel-powered 2-door version (but this one in the pictures is a gasser).

4W-IS stands for 4-wheel independent suspension, a feature absent in its major opponent, the Brazilian version of the Toyota Landcruiser 40-series.

There were also 4-door versions, which were not so popular as private vehicles but found some acceptance in public services, such as this one which was originally used as ambulance in Pelotas city.

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