Originally Posted by freebeard
Well, you are wrong; it's just that people can find threads that are more fun; Mr. It's-a-line-not-a-half-body-of-revolution.
jime57 Thanked you, maybe you have the beginnings of a cult.
Look, don't take my name as a recommendation for anything going on here. There are 3-4 guys who just won't let this thing die. Each is on the third or forth repeat of basically the same argument, so it is getting tiring, and the thread is getting corrupted.
1. I am an engineer myself, so I can understand the arguments, but they are getting highly repetitive.
2. I don't see anyone as particularly wrong, everyone is just talking past each other and not listening very well. There may also be some shouting just for the sake of hearing one's own voice - not sure of that.
3. I fully understand that the template is only a two dimensional tool and therefore has limited general usefulness. Phil never represented it otherwise, as it applies to existing automotive bodies. BUT, there are several examples of folks who have used the template to guide them in constructing boat tails which perform well on existing cars. Are the boat tails optimum? Not very likely, but it isn't within the capability of us amateurs to produce the optimum. Most have no access to CFD modeling and even if we did, that wouldn't suffice. We would also need multi-million dollar wind tunnels. Phil has written much about this limitation and I have respected him for admitting the limitations.
I have said what I think needed to be said. I have no intention of being drawn into an endless and useless shouting match, so please ignore me if I offend. I don't intend to do so