I looked at several used dishes and none of them were circular, but I do not think that they would work unless the section was spherical.
Don't take me too literally; I think I said
Use a water tank or a big satellite dish for a form, and use carbon fiber.
The optimal fit would be if the drop center of a pizza pan just fit inside the flanged lip [lipped flange?] of a steel rim. That could look real clean.
Then place each one face down on a spare rim and drop a sandbag in the center until it has a little crown. I measured one of my Moons; it has 1 5/8" of crown. Half that would help w/o increasing the frontal area.
I thought while my camera has good batteries I'd do the repair on them. I need 6 sheet aluminum disks 1 1/2" in diameter. The leather puch I wanted to use won't cut it, so when my snips turn up I will proceed.