Thread: 60mpg H3
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Old 06-23-2008, 03:12 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Volt12 - '12 Chevy Volt base
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well with gas at 4+ a gallon right now and planned increases... first automaker that drops 100MPG highway on the market place will make a KILLING, people will pay extra for that even though it wont pay its self back in any way in the lifespan for the car.. a 100mpg car at 12k a year will only spend $7,200 in gas at 5 a gallon.. over 12 years... a car at 30 mpg will consume $24,000 in gas at 5 a gallon. its only a $16,800 savings over the life of the car I used 12k a year for 12 years... 144,000 miles..

Now a 300mpg Aptera hybrid, $2400 over 144,000 miles thats the place we want cars to be .. and the Apteras should cost less to drive as its a motorcycle for insurance and also tires are less as there are less wheels.. even if you needed 2 apteras to get your family around you'd still be saving cash for the most part over a better than average 30 mpg car today.

The realization that a Prius only saves you $15,000 over 12 years really is sad..

However the more expensive gas gets the more this will change.. when gas is $10 a gallon double all the figures of savings and costs .. then these things start to make crap loads of sense..

The smaller and more efficient the car is the cheaper it is to own over the life span , but gas prices will make this a somewhat exponential realization.. a car like the aptera could storm the industry .. hopefully it does..

I can see the ad now..

"You drive a SUV at 15mpg, gas prices seem to go up every day, at todays gas prices of $5 a gallon over 12 years you'll spend $48,000 on gas alone, if prices don't change... you could buy 2 of theses brand new Aptera's, and your fuel cost to drive these for 12 years is $2400 each.. And you can drive in the carpool lane too... What do you want to drive?"

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