Originally Posted by freebeard
No problem. He impresses me.
Did you see the Mercedes Benz engineers in their SCUBA gear? I notice they way exceed 5% blockage.
I like the Texas Tech setup. Have you seen ? Overhead sting so they can load the suspension.
*I've only a still photo of the underwater model testing.'don't know if divers were actually down there during measurements.It made for dramatic photos though!
* wheels on the tank floor 'ground',necessitated the overhead measurements so they were kinda forced into that configuration.They should have been able to measure loads in all three axis.
*I've not seen the Sauber setup (I don't get to play very much lately),I really like it! With $millions on the table and bragging rights for the F-1 winner,they've got to do all they can within the rulebook parameters to have a shot at the Bouguet and champagne.