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Old 06-11-2013, 04:18 PM   #18 (permalink)
pete c
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My take on the EOCing is dangerous debate.....

EOCing does mean you have some loss of maneuverability with no PS. It also increases the chance of running out of brakes if you do not pay close attention to your vacuum supply (the point of this thread).

But, EOCing takes increased attention to what you are doing. This increased attention helps with the two leading causes of accidents, IMO. Not paying attention and falling asleep.

In my 30+ years of driving, I have found that dozing off from boredom is by far the biggest risk. I have driven tired and in my misspent youth, driven drunk. And from personal experience, I can say tired is far more dangerous that a little drunk. A lot drunk is a different story. So if EOCing means I stay more involved, it also means I stay more awake. So any slight risk that comes with possible loss of brakes/steering is more than offset by the fact that I am conscious.
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NachtRitter (06-11-2013), Pawtuckett (06-12-2013)