Originally Posted by PaleMelanesian
I was going to say your car has a lot more potential than that, until I read "delivering pizza". Good job getting even that much.
Yeah I wish things were like back when I just drove to school and back or the first half of when I had my ol' Dodge Neon.... I could see being able to hit maybe 40mpg with that type of suburban driving but this delivery job has me stop and go all the time, lots of short trips and we go downtown where its like the city so it's even worse there...
Good news is my wife asked me what I wanted this year for my birthday and I told her another SGII..... Regret getting rid of my first one ALL the time... Sold it cuz I got rid of my 1996 civic and got a CRX that couldn't use it.
In about 40 days I will have a nice new SGII on my dash