Hmmm. My advice is free, so take it for what it's worth. But, in the wholesale world, that car is scrap value. We all know it's a sweet ride, but I have to rescue all sorts of cool eco-cars from the crusher at the auctions, because most people don't get that they have a value. There is no money in that stuff from a new car dealership's point of view. And really, I lose money on all the ones I save, but at least they go to good homes ha ha. If you follow it to an auction, then you will end up paying auction fees. You want to avoid that if you can, sometimes they are more than the cost of the car. Dealers don't want to have to deal with selling it off their lot, then having someone come back and complain that the stereo doesn't pick up their favorite station etc, not for the few bucks they will make on it. Plus, in all likelihood it's just taking up space, unless they have a huge lot. The last thing you want is for someone there to Google "Metro XFi", and see that it is something desirable. Because their next stop will be eBay to see what it's worth. Show up with cash, say you just need a cheap beater and won't come back and bother them if the transmission, or the brakes, or the CV joints are out of it and they will never see it or hear about it again. I don't know the market in your area, but like I said they didn't pay much for it, so pick a number that you think would be a good deal and show up with it in $20 bills. You want $20s because the wad looks bigger than it would in $100's ha ha. Good luck!