I can hear the AC compressor clutch cycle on and off. Following this thread I'm thinking that as long as I'm getting cold air, it's not that the AC has to work harder with a grill block, it's just that the compressor stays on longer to maintain a cool temperature, which may still be an FE impact. Kind of a hard variable to test for.
For the fan to come on with the AC would require an electrical connection and since I've got a thermal clutch on the fan, that shouldn't be a problem. Maybe it'd be better if I had an electric fan that did come on so the compressor would cycle off more often. An interesting experiment if I ever switch to an electric fan.
I know my fan clutch isn't locked up because I can turn it with the engine off. If it failed disengaged, then I evidently don't need it since my WT is still reasonably low. I've never noticed the fan clutch operating while driving, but I'm not sure if that's just because I'm clueless or because it doesn't happen much.