Originally Posted by PaleMelanesian
I'll say again, I think they did a decent job. The biggest failure was having 200% as their confirmed/busted target. Getting 40% and 70% improvements with untrained hypermilers is excellent. Their comments were positive. They saw that it works, and communicated that fact. They just set up an unrealistic target and had to "bust" it because of that. Anyone who watched the whole show would see that it works.
I wonder where the myth came from that one could gain 200%.
Originally Posted by tjts1
Mythbursters did a great job as always. They really focus on the science.
I disagree with always. Sometimes, yes, but others, I want to scream at Netflix for their ridiculousness. I stopped watching it a while ago, but many many episodes are just whack-a-doo with their method or baseline ideas. I have never heard such a ridiculous claim as 200%, most people don't believe 25-50% improvement is possible, let alone that.