Do you have a pic of the LCD module? I'm wondering if it has a ton of wasted space, like every typical 2x16 or 4x20. It seems like the only LCDs that don't have a huge circuit board are the graphic ones, which are overkill for this project.
Right now, I'm using a 4x20, and half of my warning lights are blocked (!) I want to keep it at my instrument cluster, so my only other option is to block the Tach.
edit: I just found a 4x20 with minimal wasted space, but the overall size is still huge. I guess the circuit board is still big, but the viewable LCD is much larger now, covering it all.
It also costs 3x more than a regular 4x20, and about 2x a graphic w/touchscreen, so forget it.
Originally Posted by AndrzejM
All you need is a few elements worth less than a soda can.
When I read this, my first thought was an
empty soda can, which is about 5 cents at the recycler.