Serial Hybrid F-150
Lets start off with a few things I know.
I know energy form conversions are inefficient. Do it as little as possible for fewer losses.
I like A/C drive systems for efficiency.
I've been soldering and playing with electronics since I was a kid, but I don't understand it as thoroughly as others I've seen here. I really enjoyed playing with PIC AXE Microcontrollers, and I don't like analog. And Analog, very tricky analog, is what power electronics are all about.
I know that what I'm suggesting is not a great idea from an efficiency/green standpoint... Right now. Batteries that would do what I need simply don't exist.
I have several goals:
Be Battery Ready. Everything in place to drop in a real battery technology, if it ever comes to pass...
Be redundant. Motive force should come from a place that doesn't cause a total failure of the vehicle if something goes boom.
Be reliable (which redundancy helps with). Electric drive is better than thousands of impact loads per minute. It's not about the smooth ride, but that it isn't abuse to itself.
Be easier to work on than a regular vehicle. It's way easier to rebuild a small generator motor than it is to rebuild a multi-cylinder engine that weighs more than I do.
Be modular. So, I can swap out gens and fuel types. Gas. Diesel. CNG. WMO. Propane. If an engine goes down, I just drive slower until I fix or replace it. I drive slow anyway most of the time.
What isn't on this list?
Any of the typical goals that people have when they're switching to electric. So, one has to throw away the pre-conceptions of what they think I want and look at this from a new perspective.
Would I prefer a battery electric? Yes, of course I would. But it just plain doesn't exist. Even if I were a billionaire with nothing better to do with my money, there is no battery. It hasn't been invented yet. A lot of really expensive wishful thinking about LiFePo, but there is nothing that will get me 800 miles on a charge. And that which pretends to do it costs way too much, among other problems.
I've already got a lead on a WarP 9 installed in an F-150. What little feedback I've gotten so far is telling me to go kill myself before I do this, it would be a better idea. I need to sort out how much of that it green elitist zealotry, and how much is real fact.
I know quite well how great Diesels are. That's why I've owned nothing with a spark plug for nearly a decade. I'm ready to take another step. I'm no stranger to the wrench, but my current living situation negates major engine work, and frankly, I'm getting too old for this sh!t.
I'll keep the tires tall and skinny. 35in is my target, but I'm willing to to compromise a little. Vehicle will see a lot of dirt road service, but I'm not a redneck douche. I just like the lower RPM and the higher seat. My vehicle is not a penis extension.
I just don't want to do things the same old backwards way anymore. I know its not a "best practice" objective, but it's the only possibility. I won't own something with a giant engine directly mechanical driven again. I'll walk before I do that stupid crap again. 50 miles is a long walk...