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Old 06-29-2013, 10:30 AM   #19 (permalink)
Stick your neck out...
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I wanted to post a link to a page that I feel contains some of the best information on the stability issue. Its from Kraig Schultz’s Deltabike site and it draws on some opinions of highly influential designers.
Delta Bike USA - Forge Design Competition A - Cross Wind Stability

Even in this page there are some discrepancies between views
“but leans automatically into the wind, the more forward the LCP (longitudinal center of pressure) the more leaning against the wind. “ is a quote from Arnold Wagner (the Ecomobile designer)

and this appears at odds with the views of Royce Creasey who wrote
“ This 'rollout' force should be minimized and this has been done by keeping the nose area fairly low”

Many other people have made the assertion that a rearward biased centre of pressure is most desirable, but I feel this is influenced by misapplication of principles that apply specifically to bodies in free flight. Arnold’s design seems to contradict these ideas, has a high side area and a rearward CofG. The ecomobile shell has no obvious transition points to initiate detachment of cross flows, yet it looks like the most stable vehicle in this class.

All of which seems to muddy the waters.
Project 100 link
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