Violation of protocol - but I run the 453 interstate circling Kansas City. My ABA is a circle. If there are prevailing winds, by running a 94 mile circle, it rules that out for the most part.Since I start out at the beginning, and go the circle all the way back, no hills get favored. So if one part of my circle goes downhill, it has to go back up for me to arrive at my starting point. I finish exactly where I start. I have a gas station two blocks from the hiway on ramp, so the entire trip is all at speed. If I drove 45 miles down hill or with tail wind, then drove 45 miles uphill with headwind, and averaged, it would more or less workout the same. I am not so much looking for an example of daily driving as finding out what my provable upper number is, and by always running my test loop as close as I can each time, time of day, temp , etc, I can compare one set of results to another.