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Old 07-01-2013, 11:34 AM   #19 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by Occasionally6 View Post
You also have to aware of pedestrians. Just recently I had a couple of guys cross the road just as the lights changed to green, from in front of a bus that blocked them from my sight and the car in the next lane's. Had I been trying to coast through and not slowed as a precaution, or the other car not been stopped, it would have been very close indeed. (It wasn't very far off as it was.)
One of hundreds of accident scenarios that aren't preventable when one of the parties (pedestrians) in this case don't follow the rules. I try to look under a high vehicle for a sign of pedestrians, but I definitely slow down or stop when I notice the other vehicles haven't yet moved on green (emergency vehicle, pedestrian, bicyclists, etc.) It has saved me a few times over the years. Economic driving techniques and safe driving techniques (that go beyond following the law) should go hand in hand.
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