Originally Posted by t vago
Fracking, once thought of as some uneconomical pipe-dream, is now putting the USA on a path to be self-reliant in 5 years. That was another bit of wishful thinking, not so long ago. What's more, the peak-oil crowd can't stand the thought that there might more proven oil reserves under the USA, than the entire rest of OPEC combined.
Fracking is quite interesting. Even our little country happens to have quite a bit of frackable reserves.
Yet our government has just ruled against a fracking project because of environmental concerns, despite the safety measures, checks and precautions in place here being much stricter than in the USA.
For an independent overview on fracking see
Wikipedia on fracking.
See the latter part of it.
Oil and gas companies are actively influencing public opinion on Twitter, Facebook, etc. They have the right to do so. But they are not unbiased messengers of the truth; they defend their interests.
Nobody is funding the anti-fracking movement though. That's just people disgruntled cause they cannot drink their tap water anymore.
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For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.