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Old 07-06-2013, 12:18 AM   #4 (permalink)
Busting Knuckles Often
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: SE Michigan
Posts: 135

Blue Maxx - '04 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx LT
Team Chevy
90 day: 26.96 mpg (US)

Tink's Van - '08 Chrysler Town & Country Touring
90 day: 19.09 mpg (US)

2004 5 Speed Goldrolla - '04 Toyota Corolla CE
Team Toyota
90 day: 36.3 mpg (US)
Thanks: 313
Thanked 28 Times in 20 Posts
Well, bandit86, make that 2 gold Corolla's that are going to work their way up to 40 and beyond. My 04 CE is bone stock with no mods and some Firestones (FR710). My first 2 tanks mimic your results as well.

Seems like this car needs a grill block and belly pan for starters. Actually, a scan gauge or ultra gauge would be a good start too. I need to get one...

My climate is similar to yours, so as long as we keep track of our mods and FE over time, we should be able to see what works. I think some EOC / kill switch mod, and maybe some 2004 prius oem 15" 14lb wheels with some LRR tires would be about another year down the road, but in the mix for my commute (half of it is city).

In my case, I am getting used to driving a stick again, and once the novelty wears off, I am sure I will not be doing 75, or shifting at 3,000 - 4,000 like I occasionally do just to have some fun.

If i drive my Malibu Maxx as hard as I have driven the Corolla, I would get speeding tickets. The Toyota keeps me under the speed limits while still having some fun.

I think 40 plus in mixed 60% hwy is obtainable.

Cheers, Sean

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