Well, I knew it had to happen some time - this last tank was NOT better than the previous one. 59.82 mpg is still my
second best ever tank in this car, so I can't really complain, though.
That's the mediocre news. The good news is that it moved up all my averages to "landmarks"; 3 tank average = 60.0, lifetime average = 50, and it's definitely the farthest distance I've gone on a tank of gas in this car - - - 427.3 miles. And put me up to 19th place in "top mpg - gasoline cars", and the 4th place Metro/Swift model in there.
But I guess that brings some more semi-mediocre news: It was the first time it took 7 gallons!! All other fill-ups were staying under 7. (but were all under 420 miles, too)