I like the battery exchange idea. It's sounds feasible after an infrastructure were put into service.
I was wondering though, what about a generator that merely extends the range of an EV, but can't quite keep up with the energy demands.
Here is a 7kW portable genset. It weighs 310 pounds and could be mounted to a hitch on the car instead of dragged on a trailer. Fuel consumption is 0.53GPH at 3/4 rated load.
Do factory EVs disable charging while the vehicle is in motion? I wonder how far the genset would extend the range of a fully charged Leaf if it continuously supplied the extra 7 kW of power? The genset could be left running to charge the vehicle during rest stops and meals.
Since it's portable, it could easily come on and off the vehicle and be used for other applications when not in use as a range extender.