Originally Posted by Xist
I keep wishing that my dad had bought a Ranger instead of an F-150. Then again, I have been wishing for longer that I still had my Focus instead of Bacon, even if I have used her to move twice.
Mine got his because its the absolute base model, and the rebates at the time were so ridiculous. I believe because Ford likes having the best selling truck for
36~ years-which is why my father got to choose between no extra rebates, and 0% APR for six years, or 7k back, and some ridiculously high interest rate (over 10%). Of course, he took the 7k, and after the 90 day minimum of the loan, paid the $150 ETF, and financed it though a credit union for 2-3~%.
Originally Posted by MPGranger
So I get the happy area, but couldn't I just plug in the ultragauge and nail 70% engine loading? But I don't think that the eco mode just the power delivery, I think that it also affect max power. I might switch out to "normal" or power, but I like the efficient A/C from eco.
I've been playing with putting it in cruise at -5 mph PSL. And then when going down hill putting it in "neutral" by lightly tapping the accelerator. Pretty awesome except that the uphill goes into the power bar. But I was until last night trying to keep it in the hybrid power mode, guess that shows me...
Does anyone know why the EV mode cuts out for excessive speed when starting up warm at 11MPH? After it's warm she'll do the 25MPH, and most times when she's cold, like when she's spent a night sitting, she won't go into EV mode at all until warm.
How easy is it to switch modes? Say for when one comes to a hill, switch from eco to normal or power. Also, I like the suggestion here to go for 80%, although I often find my best acceleration is 75ish (lets me get 30mpg, and still accelerate).