Originally Posted by AntiochOG
It doesn't seem to me like changing your wheel offset would affect your alignment at all.
You may be surprised. Changes in offset alter the lever arm of the rearward forces of the tire (scrub radius). The little bit of give in the steering rods will cause slight changes in toe. Moving wheels farther out can cause toe out moving wheels in can cause toe in. If the steering components are worn the effect can be significant, with parts that are in good shape the effect is pretty small, though enough to adversely affect tire wear and mileage.
If you get the scrub radius very far from zero it can cause a very significant steering input if a tie rod fails. If that input loads (negative scrub radius causes a turn away from failed tie rod) the tire with a failed tie rod the wheel you still control is unlikely to have enough traction to make a controllable stop possible.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.