Testing my updated code revealed that rather interesting fuel consumption runaway bug that was
first documented in this post by DCB. It is always interesting to see my tank fuel economy just drop from 23.6 MPG to 1.0 MPG.
Re-examined the code and did some more searching around this sub-forum, and theorized that when my car goes into DFCO, it shuts off the fuel injectors, but it still sends little pulses, like in
this post by rmccomiskie. I can reliably see the above fuel consumption runaway happen on every commute so far. Hopefully, tonight, when I load in this code, it will squash this bug.
ISR(INT0_vect) { // fuel injector open event handler
injOpenStart = timer2_overflow_count | TCNT2; // calculate current cycle count
// if timer overflow condition occurred, recalculate current cycle count and fold in overflow
if (TIFR2 & 0b00000001) injOpenStart = (timer2_overflow_count + 256) | TCNT2;
dirty |= dirtyInjTick; // tell close event handler that fuel injector has in fact opened
ISR(INT1_vect) { // fuel injector close event handler
injOpenStop = timer2_overflow_count | TCNT2; // calculate current cycle count
// if timer overflow condition occurred, recalculate current cycle count and fold in overflow
if (TIFR2 & 0b00000001) injOpenStop = (timer2_overflow_count + 256) | TCNT2;
if (dirty & dirtyInjTick) { // must have read in a injector start event first
// calculate fuel injector pulse length
if (injOpenStop < injOpenStart) cycleLength = 4294967295ul - injOpenStop + injOpenStart + 1;
else cycleLength = injOpenStop - injOpenStart;
if (cycleLength > injSettleCycles) { // if the pulse length is greater than the settle time, it's valid
cycleTemp = injOpenCycles[1] + cycleLength - injSettleCycles; // add to injector cycle accumulator
if (injOpenCycles[1] > cycleTemp) injOpenCycles[0]++; // handle any possible overflow
injOpenCycles[1] = cycleTemp;
injPulseCount++; // update pulse count
timerStatus |= timerWakeUp; // tell timer to wake up main program
dirty |= dirtyInj; // signal that a valid fuel injector pulse has just been read
dirty &= ~dirtyInjTick; // ignore any more close events until another open event is received
Astute readers will be able to make out the remnants of functions microSeconds() and elapsedMicroseconds().