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Old 07-17-2013, 02:52 AM   #26 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Mudgey View Post
So in my mind I am thinking about the following ideas:

1. Run a smaller 3/4 width radiator which is also thinner and tucked further forward so I have more room infront of the engine, run a radiator cowl with a 3" bulkhead hose fitting inthrough the other 1/4 width of where the original rad used to be, on one side of the rad cowl would be the air filter (infront and to the side of the radiator), and on the other side a pipe feeding the TB. In total the pipe would be 0.5m long, if that!

2. Split the radiator in two and mount it at the back, run a closed front grill apart from an opening to promote a small amount of airflow through the engine bay and for an air filter box. I like the idea of removing a lot of heat from the engine bay to keep everything as cool as possible. This might also be the best time to run an electric water pump. So the benefits of all this would be reduced front end lift at speed, reduced drag from the large front rad grill opening. Hot air being released in the low pressure region at the back of the car. And if I went electric water pump then less drag from overspinning the water pump when its not required.
As long as you can have the electric fans to induce the required air flow, a rear-mounted split rad with electric water pump might be the best setup. Just make sure to also keep the exhaust flow away from the rads.
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