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Old 07-17-2013, 09:12 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Oh my goodness someone stirring up a hornets nest?
FLAT TAX! and to all the naa sayers it will work.
But along with it congressional amendments must not be allowed to modify its base structure only the percentage, or we will have this gobbledy gook back.
I read somewhere the avg. income looses 31.3% after items being taxed repeatedly on same items for purchasing your cash from bank to buying item to dadadada In buisness economics class years back the professor showed where the made in Tiwan toy purchased for $5 cost american tax payers an additional 7% after all govt. involvement and handleing tax and transfer tax and on and on. this thread should be closed it will only become arguementative afterwards. good luck I wont be back in this thread again myself.
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