Originally Posted by jakobnev
What problem is this supposed to fix?
But they are of measured significance.
The engine does have improved dwell time at or around TDC allowing less ignition lead reducing the negative work of long lead engines due to pressure rise before TDC. Combustion is improved as it can near completion before the piston moves down significantly exposing the combustion gasses to cylinder quenching areas. The emissions profile is thus also improved.
The other advantage is packaging of the power plant. Long rod engines can improve dwell at TDC but have tall decks.
The combustion advantages will allow an engine of this design to approach the long rod diesel engines in Class 8 tractors, or maybe even the cross head engines in power generation diesels, in brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC). But, it will do so in a very compact boxer configuration that we can fit in cars and tricycles.