Originally Posted by Cd
" Don't use dark-painted coroplast if dimensional stability matters. "
Christofoo, what do you mean by this ? Do you mean coroplast that has dark paint on it, or coroplast that is already a dark color, such as black coroplast ?
And dimensional stability ? Can you expand on that please ?
Coroplast is polypropylene, it softens and warps in hot sunny conditions unless the final color is very light to keep the surface temperature down. To my knowledge, kach22i had the most striking example of this.
I've had the same experience with my passenger-side Corolla wheel-skirt, but not the driver's side skirt, just because I park facing east, passenger-side in the sun.
There are applications where a little warping is not important, i.e. I haven't had a problem with the black coro on my upper-grille-block.