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Old 07-18-2013, 06:22 PM   #17 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by renault_megane_dci View Post
I was wondering if (for example) I take a SV, bring it's power down to 50 hp through shorter cams (mainly) then boost it back to 76, wouldn't that make a more efficient engine than either the stock engine or your own boosted version of it ?
Considering that the shorter cams can eventually favor the low-end torque, it makes sense.

Or I could Miller it and only have the exhaust cams grinded ...
In the Miller cycle the intake cams are the ones grinded, not the exhaust. And it uses a supercharger instead of a turbo, or you could eventually use both

Well, in a V-Twin you can make a compact setup placing the supercharger in the middle of the cylinders.
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