You would be using more fuel to make the same hp from stock application that ultimately will use less fuel to do the same amount of work, depending on where your using the most power in relation to the efficiency of the cam. Boosting air means more fuel. There would be no fuel consumption benefit and again, use specific "short cams" shorter duration specifically to gain with boosting. Lots of torque is added anyway with a turbo, and a supercharger takes energy as apposed to wasted heat energy used to spool a turbo.
Looking at it from overall efficiencies effectiveness. Lots of variables and unless you want all torque and little rpm range to flat line and different gearing, can you make that sort of work, again what is the application and build it for that. That's the diversity of the engines capabilities. Try and match apples for apples in performance of a stock engine and make the comparables is the point of getting the same but better. I have the same bike, better power, better economy, more torque. Gives me all around use for my needs. Again built specifically for my desires and what I wanted. I liked it the way it was stock, I just wanted to bring up overall efficiencies. Some area's higher than others with minimal loss. You will never gain across the board. You sacrifice something for gain in something else in these engines. Another reason I don't care for the SICE design.
Last edited by naturalextraction; 07-18-2013 at 06:47 PM..