Originally Posted by Occasionally6
A flat rate of income tax is a bit fairer but is still regressive in effect because the unspent income is available for investment. It still tends to widen the gap between rich and poor and trap people in poverty.
I think all income taxes are stupid. A federal inclusive sales tax on all goods and services is best. It's a tax on consumption, which is what America is known for. How would you like to take home 25% more money today? That is what the flat sales tax would do. And then you would voluntarily pay the tax when you decide to consume. Are you poor? Maybe you should plant a garden or raise some chickens so you have a source of reoccurring product.
FROM SHOVEL (I don't know how to add a second quote)
Meanwhile I pay full rate taxes, and don't even mind them. I mind that a-holes dodge taxes, wealthy and poor. If you don't like paying your share, GTFO my roads and die of food poisoning or a fire or get mugged or something, since the FDA and FD and police and military are all paid for with taxes.
I am currently 26 and have been in the military since shortly after turning 17. I have spent a quarter of my adult life in Iraq/Afghanistan. I haven't paid federal taxes since going to Active Duty, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania also gives me my income tax back. So I financially have not paid into the system, but most would say that I have contributed more to our way of life than the average joe. I have seen how truly poor and destitute people live, I have yet to see that in America. Sure, we have people who do not live in the same standard of living, but there are many outside our country who have it much worse. My point about the Flat and universal sales tax is that the rich couldn't pay an accountant to figure out how to dodge it. And thus, it is extremely fair because they will actually pay it, and the less fortunate get an edge by an immediate increase in take home pay if we abolished the federal income tax.