New user from Tulsa - Monster fuel user
So, I have a few vehicles. I can't say that Hypermiing was high on my list of things to do.
We had a Minivan, I sold my Focus and bought a BMW 325i, On recent trips I discovered that it is just not very comfortable for a family of 6. ( only had four in the BMW) Bought a monster, 2002 Ford Expedition. My first tank made me sick, 10mpg, followed by my second tank at 9.5. Something had to be done. I read this site and others changed my driving style and Tuned up the Ford. I reached 13+ on this fill up. I will be tring other tactics and playing the "Game" with a instant MPG meter. I ordered a wireless OBD2 adapter that works with my iphone. I can't wait for it to get here to learn more.
I also would like to buils a boat tail like on some 18 wheelers to see if that helps on a long trip.
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