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Old 07-21-2013, 09:56 AM   #30 (permalink)
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What bothers me more than the act of data collection on myself and others who are capable of being good citizens without govt persuasion or the "sword of damocles" of omnipotent beaurocrats, is the arrogance of those same people who think they need to do so in the first place.

What really bothers me the most, since that same arrogant jerk could ride in my car or follow me on my bike and find nothing to pursue legally, is the belief amongst those arrogants (sorry can't post the word I am thinking) That I ACTUALLY NEED their stupid supervision and legalistic intimidation. The worst of it all is in their arrogancce they spend like drunken sailors, yet they still are convinced that what they are doing is absolutely essential to my "security". when THEY are the only source of my insecurity.

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