I think you need to start a fuel log for your truck...
Consider this, the fixed fan takes horsepower to turn, the more rpms, the more horse power. On low horsepower engines, like yours and mineremovingthe fan and replacing with a electric can give you a +5% or more increase in power. I amrunning a cheapy ele fan in my car and def won't go back to a mech fam.
I also recomend reducing turbulance under the truck, easy as a lawn edging air dam, or as a belly pan. Again reducesthe amount of horsepower required tl move the van down the road.
Reducing weight, removing un needed seats, carpeting, speakers ect, is also good for city driving, + it alows an increase in payload.
Bumping your tires to max preasure will allow less roling resistance and also give you some more tire payload. Make sure the truck is mechanically sound esp in the steering dept, tierod ends ball joints ect... Tires wobbling and exessive corecting of steering will reduce fuel mpg's
Sounds fun, have fun, and let us know.