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Old 06-25-2008, 04:09 AM   #14 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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My '72 Squareback ran great for many years (except for the time I forgot to put the rotor back in the dist after a tuneup). My better half loved the car.

Then I sold it to a buddy of mine. Blew up within a month. He wasn't happy... Obviously not and air-cooled guy.

To drive the original Beetle, you had to wrench on it. A given, but not a biggie since you could pull the engine for a sparkplug change in the morning, with basic handtools. The New one's are for chicks. Cute, reliable, and have a flower vase on the dash.

With proper habits, both get great MPG. I've only been reading the board for a short time, but thought the goal was to promote efficiency, rather than bash certain car models.

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