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Old 07-24-2013, 08:59 AM   #9 (permalink)
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IMHO over inflation is just another chance people are willing to take with thier safety.
I have done it and have seen both good and bad side effects.
The bad far outweigh the good and can or should I say will result in tire failure eventually.
It may not be catastrophic failures when you hit a pot hole for instance, but when the bands and plys separate or break your tire is trash! if you fail to heed the bumpity bump sensation or pull in steering wheel it will eventually have a critical failure.
I dont care how lucky someone got who diddnt know how to properly maintain thier tires 10% above tires max is risk taking! I registered no real solid mpg gains over 45 psi with last set of new tires on rear of Undieing POS what I did manage was to break bands and generally waste $175.
These were cheapo douglass tires I admit but Ill not do it again to my goodyears its not worth the expense!
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