Originally Posted by Vansquish
My justification for saying that your 60psi over-inflation is unsafe was based on the listed maximum inflation pressures
That's what listed, nothing more.
Burst pressures for tyres are WAY higher than 60psi - think double.
Exploded tyres were typically underinflated, got too hot, and disintegrated or blew off .
Additionally, with a tire so over-inflated, your braking distances will be negatively impacted, as will your ability to make evasive maneuvers if necessary.
In my experience, the main issue with high inflation is in keeping the wheels on the road rather than bouncing about.
So it's more of a suspension and road issue than a tyre issue.
Tyres etc. are always a compromise, and as a driver, you live with that choice and compensate for it.
Wether you're hypermiling or shooting for pole in F1.
There's always a stickier tyre than what you're running ... or one that uses less fuel ... or lasts longer.
The best tyres, the best suspension, the best brakes ... all still have their limits. The limit may be further away, but if you don't drive within the limits, you're out.
So regardless, you always have to compensate one way or another, and drive within the capabilities of what you've got - and rest assured, that's what 99+% of us are all doing