Originally Posted by P-hack
We have data,
See above about this ... nothing you posted changes or effects what I already posted about the limitations of the data currently at hand.
Originally Posted by P-hack
We know that series starts off behind based on peak efficiency, and no reason to think that it will ever catch up to an equally optimized pusher.

( This Again )
Bold Added.
Incorrect , absolute type of claim.
I've explained this error to you several times now.
Originally Posted by P-hack
Everything else is speculation as to why we should think series is going to be more efficient under some loads/speeds. The default assumption here is that parallel starts out ahead and thus stays ahead. And if it isn't, well it is more than fair to say I will believe it when I see it.
Bold Added
That is your default assumption ... and I've explained to you several times the errors of making such an assumption ... especially without haveing sufficient data about the whole situation at hand.
Originally Posted by P-hack
I do not lord over empiracal evidence.
I don't know about 'lord over'.
But I'll take evidence ... especially empirical evidence ... over opinion any day.
Originally Posted by P-hack
I do not see things in absolute terms,
Then stop making absolute claims.
Originally Posted by P-hack
but I don't see the rationale for the belief without the evidence, yet I see a lot of believers.
Your response so far to evidence that disagrees with your belief about the pusher and generator ... Disagrees with this claim you make about yourself.
Originally Posted by P-hack
I don't know how series can close the efficiency gap with all the conversions, what do I have to even speculate about it?
You don't have to know or speculate ... I already explained it to you several times.
- - - - - -
I've posted it before ... here it is again.
The summary of references and math previously shown in long posts ... lead to the easier to interrupt red and blue lines on the BSFC bellow... a BSFC that you picked.
Inside Red:
When the situation allows the pusher to dominantly operate it's ICE inside the red line area of the BSFC it is more efficient than the the generator.
Between Red and Blue:
When the situation and finite limits of the transmission force the pusher to dominantly operate its ICE outside the red ... but inside the blue ... has two options:
#1> Any Joules from the generator not cycled through the battery are more efficient from the generator than the pusher.
#2>Any Joules from the generator cycled through the battery are less efficient from the generator than the pusher.
Outside the Blue:
When the situation and finite limits of the transmission force the pusher to dominantly operate its ICE outside the blue ... the pusher is less efficient than the generator.