Thread: Another noob
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Old 07-26-2013, 05:24 AM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Jasen View Post
With vehicle weight and my load, the 4.3 is dragging 6,500 lbs down the road.
I'd like to drop a 5.3 or 5.7 in it. Others that have report better mpg.
It's pretty much a straightforward swap, and you can easily get an engine already bolted to the transmission, eventually getting a 6-speed one instead of the old 4-speed...

I know of a couple people that have done diesel swap's, that's a huge project, with one headache after another.
I'm favorable to Diesel swaps, altough they're really not the easiest job ever.

As far as my future build, I'm eyeing the XR3, with a redesigned nose, possible GT40 style doors and leaning towards a 1l Metro motor built by Jeff's geo metro www .jeffsgeometro . com
I like tricycles too. Well, you might agree with me that going from a mid-size van to a 2-seater trike would be such a radical move regarding cargo capacity. Have you already seen the thread about trailers?
It would be quite odd to spot a trike pulling an utility trailer (or a teardrop-shaped one to provide weather protection to the load and keep up with the aerodynamic layout of the trike), but is something worth to at least take a look.
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